Thursday, September 19, 2013

Google Wallet Arrives on iOS


Attention all iPhoners: Google Wallet has finally arrived for you. Money transfers to friends, loyalty card tracking, and checking out nearby shopping offers, are now here for you. Tap-to-pay is not available, because iOS devices don't have NFC capability. As far as security goes, you can lock up the app with a PIN, and you can disable the app remotely through Google's website. The app is available for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch running at least iOS 6.0.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The Faster Way to Get iOS 7's public release

So, you and the rest of the planet are trying to download iOS 7 today. Most of Apple's data center technicians, are probably in a panic room hundreds of feet locked away, as they see their servers crash while millions of people try and download the newest version of the second most popular mobile operating system on Earth. Well, I have a few steps that can dramatically lower your stress level for when you download iOS 7.


The Alternative Guide to Downloading iOS 7:

  1. Back up your device. When I downloaded iOS 6 a few months ago on launch day, it wiped my phone, and I had no backup. Be sure to protect your self.

  2. Second, go to and download the correct version of iOS 7 for your phone.

  3. Once the download is complete, go to iTunes and pull up your iPhone. Option click on Check for Updates, and then select the file that you just downloaded (it should end in .ipsw).

  4. It will take a few minutes to download, but go do some homework or play on your Xbox while you are waiting.

  5. That's all, say hello to your brand new install of iOS 7!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Twitter is finally going public


Twitter has announced today on the company Twitter account that it has filed with the SEC to go public. the company is worth about $10 billion and the IPO will be a fresh source of cash for the company.

Twitter filed with the SEC "confidentially," which is a new thing. When President Obama signed the JOBS Act, he was allowing companies with under a billion dollars in revenue to go public without having to release the amount of financial information that a larger company would have to reveal. So, the public won't have a huge look into Twitter's financials right away.

Twitter will be releasing its financials about three weeks before they go public, but until then, the company won't be offering the inside look that everyone is excited to see. Also, Twitter supposedly had $350 million in revenue for 2012. According to Bloomberg, Goldman Sachs will be underwriting the IPO.

Stay tuned for more details.


Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Ingress transforms the real world into the landscape for a global game of mystery, and competition. Basically, you can use post offices, sculptures, or libraries to create "portals" on your smartphone and compete in a portal battle with friends! The app was created by Niantic Labs which also created a free Android app called "Field Trip." On November 8th, 2012 the app was created. Ingress is a free app that only works on the Android Platform (Google Play Store). Recently it has been ported to work for iOS devices (Jailbroken or non-jailbroken). Click here to see more info and how to get the iOS port. Since the app is now in closed-beta, you cannot just go to the Play Store and download it. Instead, you have to go to and request an invite. Another way to get the app is to ask someone with Ingress to request you. Note: You do need a Google Account and you need to give Ingress your email to be requested. If  Niantic Labs except your request, then you are in the world of ingress!

VERY Basic Ingress Idea (The game is very complex and will take hours to explain): Game play consist of making "portals" at real life bases like art museums, etc. and linking them together to create virtual triangles. For a more in-depth understanding and tutorial of the game, click --> "How to Play Ingress" (video by Tinkernut).  "Our world is at steak, and you must pick a side." Check it out on

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

NFT: September 4, 2013

Enjoy the top tech news from today below:

083013_TOQ-watch-headsets-black-303x285It Turns Out Qualcomm Is Making a Smartwatch, TooIna Fried from AllThingsD
96027_eagles_giants_footballUber Inks Its First Sports Deal, Partners With The NFL To Promote Safe Rides For Pro FootballersIngrid Lunden from TechCrunch
165251332-645x250Apple ups focus on China with separate iPhone media event in Beijing on September 11Kaylene Hong from The Next Web
hdmi-1.4-specification-cablHDMI 2.0 officially announcedRichard Lawler from Engadget
sony640_large_verge_medium_landscapeSony's QX Smart Lens attaches an entire camera to your smartphoneVlad Savov from The Verge
nokiakitkat_large_verge_medium_landscapeNokia issues Samsung a KitKat death threat on TwitterTom Warren from The Verge

Quick Tip: Replace iPhone signal bars with numbers

Here is a quick tip on how to change your signal bars (which could be found in the upper left hand corner of the phone) to numbers (actually decibels). At the end I will explain what the numbers mean.

*No Jailbreak Required!*

Works for iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, and iPhone 5

How to change bars to numbers:

1) Open Phone app

2) Dial the following number exactly (need to enter stars and pounds): *3001#12345#*. Press call

3) You will now be in Field Test mode. In the upper left corner their should be numbers instead of bars. If not tap the bars to enable the numbers. Don't press home or turn off phone yet!

*Continue if you want it to be permanent. If you don't want it to be press home. You can remove it if you continue on, but their is a different way to do that.*

4) Hold down power button (still on the Field Test) until you see 'slide to turn power off' with red arrow.

5) Don't actually slide to turn the power off! Instead, hold down the home button until the Field Test closes and you return home.

6) That's all! Hope it works for you!

The meaning behind the negative numbers: Technically, it is 'the logarithmic unit used to express the ratio between two values of a physical quantity (usually measured in units of power or intensity)'. Basically, it measures the iPhones signal power. All you need to know is the lower the negative number is, the stronger signal strength you have. The higher negative number, the weaker signal strength you have.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

NFT: September 3, 2013

Enjoy the top tech news from today below:

1373848861000-roc-62xey3bywygc4tra4hm-original-1307311413_4_3Kodak bankruptcy likely comes to end TuesdayMatthew Daneman from USA Today
spotify-connect-stock3_2040_large_verge_medium_landscapeSpotify Connect lets you control and play music from any deviceDante D'Orazio from The Verge
ZZ4653A4ACAndroid KitKat: the story behind a delicious partnershipNilay Patel from The Verge
03microsoft1-articleLargeMicrosoft Gets Nokia Units, and LeaderNick Wingfield from NY Times
New-Logo-Vertical-DarkUber Makes 3 Big Hires, Nabs Klout's Former COO Plus Executives From Facebook And GoogleAlyson Shontell from Business Insider
home-automation-amazon-comAmazon Launches A Home Automation Store Featuring Smart Locks, Sensors, Thermostats & MoreSarah Perez from TechCrunch

Leap Motion: The Future of the Mouse

Since launching in July of 2013, Leap Motion has achieved 1 million app downloads from its Airspace Store. What exactly is Leap Motion? Well, Leap Motion is a motion sensing mouse used for human to computer interaction. That's right, you can now use your hands to control your computer. The Leap Motion comes with the controller, a USB cable to connect to your computer, and an information guide. In total it cost about $80, and it can be purchased on the web site ( or possibly Best Buy. Whats amazing is that the Leap Motion does not take over your mouse/trackpad/keyboard it actually works with them without needing any special cables. This new device can be used with Google Applications, such as Google Earth. Zoom in to various locations with your fingers, spin to various locations, without the need of a mouse. Once purchased you will be able to enjoy a whole new world of apps.  In conclusion the Leap Motion can do anything from browsing the web, painting and sculpting objects, playing the air guitar, and shooting bad guys with your fingers. Could this be the future of the mouse?