Sunday, February 10, 2013

Blackberry: What Will They Do Next?

BlackBerry used to be the top of the line smartphone. Now, they have been attacked and stepped on by Android and iPhone. The real question for Research in Motion, now known as BlackBerry, will it ever be restored to its formal glory?

The Market

BlackBerry 10 was announced on Wednesday and right now it sounds like BlackBerry is trying to make a come back. The company is trying to enlist itself back in the premium smartphone market. Approximately half of the nation is currently using smartphones, so the market is very large and is still rapidly expanding. It's not that BlackBerry doesn't have a potential market, it's just that fewer than 5% of smartphone users own a BlackBerry device. And don't act like BlackBerry has no competitors; competition is fierce. iOS and Android are taking the lead, and Windows 8 is trailing trying to catch up.

Winning Customers

Another issue, is who's going to buy a BlackBerry? Once the BlackBerry worshippers upgrade, where do sales go? No one really plans on defecting to BB10 unless they have a good reason to. To get defections, BB10 needs apps. Right now, BB10 is releasing LinkedIn, Facebook and OpenTable at release. But, how many developers are actually creating apps for BlackBerry World? Technically, the answer is yes and no. There are over 70,000 apps on BlackBerry World, and I do have to give BlackBerry credit for that. But what makes iOS more appealing is that yes it has more apps, but the App Store is actually making money. Apple has paid over $6.5 billion out to developers, signaling that the App Store is definitely generating money and attention.

The Public Face of the Company

After many years of being in the minority, many are questioning the possible comeback of BlackBerry. It certainly is plausible. But, I don't know if I believe in it. BlackBerry has been sitting with its hands crossed for years. The company is too late into the game, and in my opinion, BlackBerry 10 should have been released years ago. Also, the company has just changed its name from Research in Motion to BlackBerry. I think, however, that this shows the company's determination to keep BlackBerry afloat.

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